Australian Bush Flower Mumma Mojo Essence 30ml

Regular price €16,34

This remedy was created to help make mothering easier and more joyful!

A great Essence to give a little bit more oomph, resilience, calm and renewal. It strengthens the connection between a mother and her child or children; enhances her intuition and eases any burden of responsibility and overwhelm.

Quite importantly it also helps a mother to pay attention to and look after her own needs, not just her family’s.

Emotional Condition

  • Not looking after own needs
  • Burdened by responsibility
  • Overwhelmed
  • Not trusting own intuition

Positive Outcome

  • Renewal
  • Mother-child connection
  • Enthusiasm
  • Peace and calm
  • Resilience

How To Use

Seven drops under the tongue on rising and retiring.

For optimal shelf life, we use a small amount of brandy as a preservative. There is less than one drop of alcohol per dose.

For anyone not wishing a child to ingest alcohol, the 7 drops can be applied topically to the crown of the head or wrist pulse points or diluted in water.

Alternatively, place drops into hot water (the temperature at which you would drink a cup of tea) which will evaporate the alcohol.


Alpine Mint Bush, Bottlebrush, Bush Fuchsia, Crowea, Macrocarpa, Paw Paw, Philotheca

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